A couple opts for an uncontested divorce, when there are no sign of reconciliation. The procedure for this divorce is simplest as it is through the mutual understanding of both the parties. The divorce grounds in Texas for uncontested divorce are irreconcilable differences as the conflicts and discords between the couple have increased to such an extent that they cannot live together.

Steps to file Texas uncontested divorce

  • One of the divorcing partner i.e. the Petitioner needs to file the 'Original Petition for Divorce' at the county court with the district clerk

  • A legal notice needs to be sent to the respondent. The respondent is given a time limit of 20 days to file a legal answer to the Petition.

  • The waiting period for the uncontested divorce case is 61 days. After the waiting period is over the final hearing can be finalized by calling the district court.

  • Create the final decree of divorce that contain details about agreements the divorcing partners have settled upon such as child custody, alimony, child support, property distribution, and debt division. Get this document signed by the judge.

  • The divorcing partners should visit the court on the date of hearing and get all the documents signed

  • To finalize the divorce, the divorcing partners should sign the final decree at the clerk's office. They would be given the certified copy of the decree. If only one of the divorcing partners is collecting the final decree, then a certified copy must be mailed to the other spouse.

The people opting for an uncontested divorce need to follow the above steps to file a divorce in Texas. Uncontested divorce process being simplest, the filing process is simple as well.